In the summer of 2015, the ONA (Okanagan Nation Alliance) repaired two eroded sections of the creek bank, removed damaged and hazardous log structures, and created additional fish habitat in Pass Creek. The ONA also completed a riparian (banks of a river) planting project adjacent to the treatments areas within the stream.
To increase fish habitat complexity and availability, nine boulder structures were created to provide habitat for fry; while, the addition of riparian vegetation also increased nutrient contributions and shade over stream
Pass (Norms) Creek is the first major tributary to the Columbia River below Hugh Keenleyside Dam adjacent to the town of Castlegar, BC. Pass Creek provides approximately 2.2 km of important spawning habitat for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka), and Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) migrating from the Columbia River.
Visit the ONA website for more information.